Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A calm day turned to chaos

See ... told ya i`d post again :]

So lets take a look into the life a Brittany again ... shall we ?

Today was a CRRAAZZYY day . It started off fine . Woke up , ate , then (this is where it gets crazy .) my grandma and i were sitting outside engaged (haha i love using big words .... makes me sound smarter :]) in a conversation when my cousin (Thing 1 as Heather calls him) calls sounding very frantic (see there`s another big word .... hehe i love it !) He`s rambling something about how Chloee (thing 5) busted her head wide open and how Elijah (thing 3) slammed her head into the door or something . So my grandma and I rush to the emergency scene . We get to my aunt`s house and Chloee is fine . What had happen was (for once i used that phrase to actually explain something , not to cover up something i did :]) Elijah had wacked Chloee in the head with his toy car . As my aunt explained it .... "I was standing at the sink doin dishes when i heard Chloee screaming and Elijah running away from her ." Sounds like something from Clue doesn`t it .... Ha . Chloee is alright but she has a nasty knot on her head .
When i walked into the RV , i said to Elijah (who was in his time out chair) "Li Li , did you hurt Chloee?" and he replied , "YEAH!" Like he did something good ... Those kids .

It`s crazy how a calm day can turn into chaos in a blink of an eye .
And it`s amazing how having faith in the Lord can help in so many ways .
Cause that baby could have been hurt way worse than she was ..... but all she got was a knot.
Praise the Lord .

Well until next time :]



Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world. lol. That was scary wasn't it? All I saw was blood and black & blue on my BABY's HEAD, & Thing 1 totally FLIPPIN.
But God is good & all is well :)

btw ~ Lili is Thing 4. Count down girlie down. Really. Math isn't your strong point is it? Kinda like baby is only 8 wks old so she isn't even a month yet????? ROFL.

Anonymous said...

Oh and you've been tagged girlie. Check out today's post to find out why you've 'Gotta Get Goals'.
Love ya